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Infrastructure Improvements

The last two years have seen an increase in infrastructure improvements at the Marine Field Station.  The much-needed boat basin dredging was completed in December 2018 after being on hold since Superstorm Sandy.  Several other large projects have recently begun. A complete renovation of the wet lab, including new fish holding tanks, a new boiler for heating water and the restart of the chilling system will allow experiments to be run under different temperatures. The RV Arabella has been returned to service and is docked at the Marine Field Station, with electricity recently having been restored to this vessel’s dock.  Lockheed windtracer equipment was installed last May at 700 Great Bay Blvd, with corresponding instrumentation at the Field Station (800 Great Bay Blvd) to capture and communicate information for wind energy research. Additional Atlantic Shore wind energy equipment is scheduled to be installed at the Field Station in November for winter observations.